Saturday, January 31, 2009

Man arrested for dealing drugs out of “Free Candy” van
January 31, 2009 ·
“It seemed perfectly legitimate”: Eyewitness
By Daniel Stouffer, Staff Reporter
Frederick – Local deadbeat Christopher Beach was arrested Thursday after he was caught selling marijuana from his van.
Beach's red van, which features the words “Free Candy” painted on the side, had been parked beside Daddy's Pub for 42 hours, attracting local children and potheads alike.
Police say that despite the trustworthy appearance of the truck as a source for free candy, it was in fact a front for Beach's illegal drug business.
“We watched the van for several hours after noticing some suspicious behavior,” said an undercover officer with Frederick Police. “The young children would walk away looking disappointed, while thug teenagers would flock to the van and linger for several moments.”
After searching the van, officers found no candy whatsoever, not even a single gummy bear. What they did find was three grams of marijuana that appeared to be mixed with oregano.
“It came as a shock,” commented Bonnie Gonsalves, a mother of two small children who visits Daddy's Pub daily. “I encouraged my children to go to the truck for some candy. I would never have thought it was an illegal drug operation.”
“It seemed perfectly legitimate,” she added.
Aside from the charge of petty trafficking, police say Beach could be charged with more crimes, including false advertising, attempted pedophilia, and ownership of a suspicious-looking van.
Beach already faces charges of arrest evasion after he reportedly tried to stumble away from police while in a drug-induced stupor.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Motocross>Redskins..Joe Gibbs agrees

As long as Vinny is in charge expect to lose. A #2 and #6 for a 240lb 34 year old DE? great pickup. A #7 for Erasmus James (minny's damaged goods)? Did he even suit up for a game? Wasting picks on players w/ degenerate knee problems is great scouting (m kelly). Three receiver busts in one round is a NFL record that will never ever be broken. Why are we drafting a TE with Cooley in the prime of his career? Oh because he's the "best available". How'd that do for us? So that means he's better then DeSean Jackson right? Malcom Kelly will probably never see the field, Davis will continue to back up a pro bowler, and ive seen enough of Devin Thomas to know he fuckin sucks. At least he'll be a good special teamer for us, and at least we drafted a great punter.
Vinny isnt going anywhere. Bagelboy wanted Vinny to move in with him. So as long as vinny is in charge (get used to it) i will not continute to be let down by this team. 09 is no doubt gonna be another re-builiding year. Both lines are old, injured, and shitty. No young talent what so ever thanks to vinny. Im sure Golston & Montgomery are good people, they are also good rotation players, but they are not starter material in this league. Theres our young talent. Oh i forgot, we have 3rd rd pick Chad Rhinehart at guard. Did he even suit up this year? If Jason Fabini is ahead of you, your not making it in this league.
Joe Gibbs left the Redskins last year to start a motocross team among other things. In the teams 1st race this year 21 year old rookie JGRMX team rider Josh Grant upset heavy favorites James Stewart and Chad Reed. Being an ex-motocross racer, i would much rather spend my time and money supporting JGRMX then the redskins. AMA Nationals Coming to Budds Creek MD saturday, august 22nd. get your beer bongs ready.
NFL PLAYOFFS - its a travesty
The Steelers winning another one? Having to deal with these towel twirling fairy's talking about a ring for their other hand? This cannot happen. I'll never watch another sporting event.
Baltimore winning its 2nd in 10 years? This cannot happen either. Reasons already listed previously.
So that leaves the Arizona fucking Cardinals. I'd love to see this happen. Just so we dont have to hear about westbrook's knee all game, i'd love for moco's own big Dock to put him out for the game on the first play. Arizona winning the Super Bowl would probably mark the end of life as we know it. if not, i'll continue to watch team sports, knowing that the good guys can win every now and then.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Speaking of Cal Ripken..

Ripken's consecutive game streak? Obviously the result of Cal's legendary work ethic? Think again.Ripken shared steroids in the same clubhouse with Brady Anderson, Rafael Palmeiro, Manny Alexander, David Segui, etc He was teammates with some of the biggest steroid users but yet he had nothing to do with them.
There's no reason to assume that Cal collected more total bases and posted a higher slugging percentage in 1996 than he had in the five previous seasons with the help of anything other than good old fashioned elbow grease. Look at the stats, Cal's numbers went up when he was in his 30s and spiked during Brady Anderson's monster 50 home run season. Also, google Cal Ripken and Kevin Costner together to see why his streak should have an asterisk next to it.
NFL Playoffs- Ravens

The city of Baltimore sucks and everyone who lives there by choice sucks too. Baltimore is mainly inhabited by deviants who like to have sex with birds, including but not limited to orioles and ravens. They had the colts taken from them because animal rights groups could no longer ignore Baltimore citizen's fondness for horse molestation. Following this they cried for years about having their football team stolen, and then they went and stole someone else's team because they were so gay that the NFL would not give them their own team again. They then renamed this team, which they stole, the Ravens, which is THE GAYEST name for a a sports team in the history of sports. Not only is the name Ravens extremely gay, but their jerseys are purple, adding another dimension to their flamboyant gayness. They are named the Ravens in honor of Edgar Allan Poe who married his 13 year old cousin and died of rabies. It is obvious that the citizens of Baltimore named their team this to give off the impression that they were literate. I am not sure how you have sex with birds, but one of these days it will come back to bite you in the ass. However, you will probably enjoy this. It is only a matter of time before all of your citizens get bird flu from your dirty bird sex. Cal Ripken, you also suck by association.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I am Gay- Chris Beach
New county moneymaker
But many others must slow down to under 20 mph to pass them. Here's a secret: the speed limit is 40, you can even go 46 or even 47 mph and not get a ticket. How cool is that?!?
Even worse, some people slown down to under 20 at cameras that are facing the other direction. How is one able to get a Maryland issued driver's license, yet be so FUCKING STUPID to do that.
Read about the "Pimping" game and how to send tickets to your enemies
Saturday, January 10, 2009
PS3 online madden
BTW, my username is CapitalPunshmnt. Be warned, I run a no-huddle offense that audibles to 5 different plays and various other hot routes. Its recommended to have your defensive audibles saved before challenging me.
Real Life Grinches in Poolesville
Real Life Grinches get busted