As long as Vinny is in charge expect to lose. A #2 and #6 for a 240lb 34 year old DE? great pickup. A #7 for Erasmus James (minny's damaged goods)? Did he even suit up for a game? Wasting picks on players w/ degenerate knee problems is great scouting (m kelly). Three receiver busts in one round is a NFL record that will never ever be broken. Why are we drafting a TE with Cooley in the prime of his career? Oh because he's the "best available". How'd that do for us? So that means he's better then DeSean Jackson right? Malcom Kelly will probably never see the field, Davis will continue to back up a pro bowler, and ive seen enough of Devin Thomas to know he fuckin sucks. At least he'll be a good special teamer for us, and at least we drafted a great punter.
Vinny isnt going anywhere. Bagelboy wanted Vinny to move in with him. So as long as vinny is in charge (get used to it) i will not continute to be let down by this team. 09 is no doubt gonna be another re-builiding year. Both lines are old, injured, and shitty. No young talent what so ever thanks to vinny. Im sure Golston & Montgomery are good people, they are also good rotation players, but they are not starter material in this league. Theres our young talent. Oh i forgot, we have 3rd rd pick Chad Rhinehart at guard. Did he even suit up this year? If Jason Fabini is ahead of you, your not making it in this league.
Joe Gibbs left the Redskins last year to start a motocross team among other things. In the teams 1st race this year 21 year old rookie JGRMX team rider Josh Grant upset heavy favorites James Stewart and Chad Reed. Being an ex-motocross racer, i would much rather spend my time and money supporting JGRMX then the redskins. AMA Nationals Coming to Budds Creek MD saturday, august 22nd. get your beer bongs ready.
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